Monday night was truly magical. We were beyond blessed when some dear friends of ours, the Morris's, called and told us they were putting on an art show, displaying art & music from locals. A place for them to come and show off their gifts and a place for others to come marvel and shop a little! It was also their annual Christmas party combined. This is their second art show that they have hosted in their awesome home and they want to make sure do donate some of the artists proceeds to a cause every time. This time we were the cause. We were humbled at the turnout especially because 90% of them we had never met before.
They let us have a table to set up Ruby's things along with a donation jar, then had John and I share our story with the group. John even got to play his music!
The night was a nothing short of beautiful. Beautiful people, beautiful work, beautiful weather, beautiful generousity.
John and I were shocked at the gifts that were given to our humble family.
Another nice dent in our hospital bills. PRAISE JESUS!! Along with a new necklace that I will truly treasure and a $100 gift card for a bed and breakfast, icing on the cake!
We cannot thank the Morris's enough along with friends, family and complete strangers that came out that night!!