I am awe struck how God not only has answered John and my prayers through this journey of losing our sweet baby girl but He goes above and beyond!
Since I have lost Ruby I have been told of several other women who have been diagnosed with Trisomy 18. It breaks my heart to hear that others will experience the heartache of knowing, that the plans they once had for their unborn babes future would be forever changed. That they may never watch their little one take their first step or say their first word. But I praise Jesus for those who, although terrified, choose life and continue with their pregnancy, uncertain of the outcome of their unborn child. For so many who do not choose life they may have missed an opportunity to actually meet & experience life with the baby that was knit together in their womb. It may be for a short time but to actually meet your sweet babe would be something no one should ever trade in!
God's perfect plan for Ruby Jean was to take her before she ever opened her eyes, breathed her first breathe, or said her first cry in this world. But Gods perfect plan was different for Rosalie.
I met Rosalie's Mommy, Maria, through my blog. She found my blog somehow after recently finding out, in her 8th month, that Rosalie had Trisomy 18. She left a comment on one of my posts, and being the creepy internet stalker that I am, I found that she had also started a blog to record her thoughts and experiences. Rosalie was due at the end of November. So I checked her blog almost everyday through the month of December waiting to hear anything. I had heard through the grapevine that a woman who delivered at CMH gave birth to a beautiful baby girl with Trisomy 18 and that she was doing amazing. That they had even sent her home!! I prayed that that would be Maria. I hoped that she would have the chance to meet her sweet baby girl and spend days watching her learn and, God willing, grow! A few days ago I checked her blog to find out that Rosalie is alive and well! Maria was blessed with the chance to love, snuggle, and cherish her sweet Rosalie. It brought such unexplainable emotions to my hearts and tears to my eyes to see Rosalie's face. To be honest, I saw so much of Ruby in her, but I also saw a PICTURE PERFECT BABY. I didn't see any signs of trisomy on Rosalie. They may be all internal but externally she looks nothing short of perfect. I praise the Lord that He continues to use our story and allows it to trickle into the lives of others. I may never meet Maria in person or Rosalie for that matter but I know that we will forever be connected through the stories of our sweet baby girls.
To read Rosalie's story please visit : Change of Plans
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