We met Joe and Corrina when we first started attending First Baptist Church in Ojai about a year and a half ago. They were engaged at the time and even though we were brand new friends we had the privilege of being invited to their wedding and watching this new chapter in their lives begin. In November of 2010 they announced that they were expecting a babe in July! Everyone was thrilled and we couldn't wait to hear what they were having!
12 weeks into their pregnancy the doctors found something on their ultrasound and realized there was something wrong with their sweet new babe.
They realized that their baby "BOY" had many issues including an omphalocele where his organs were growing outside his body. His brain was also not developing right and the doctors informed them that it was most likely a chromosomal problem and that he was NOT going to make it full term. It was devastating news!! The night they found out they came over to our place for prayer and to just plain talk it out! Words could not be enough to comfort them while enduring such sorrow and embarking on a truly difficult journey . We along with their other friends and family did our best to comfort, encourage, lift and surround them! But there is only so much you can do on the sidelines watching newlyweds endure such a tragedy.
Corinna carried sweet EZEKIEL for 25 weeks till her water broke and they headed to the hospital. When they got there the doctors checked her and said they did not get a pulse form Ezekiel and it seemed as though he had already passed away. She endured the labor pains like a champ. Went through the full experience of delivery as every mother, only knowing she was not going to be able to take her sweet babe home.
After the very quick delivery, PRAISE GOD, I had the privilege of coming in and witnessing all that God was doing with this family. Seeing Corinna's parents, grandparents, siblings, and joe's sister hold and explore Ezekiel's tiny lil body. He was so small but still had all the details of a baby.
I somehow held it together in the hospital room as I studied Joe and Corinna's peace and joy holding their perfect lil baby. Corinna was a proud momma of her lil man. She did not care what he looked like in the eyes of man, he was perfect to her.
The drive home was when I allowed it all to sink in. I was led to worship as I reflected on the fact that the Lord knew the day He was going to take Zeke. He knew that Zeke would never enjoy the shell that God was knitting together in Corinna's womb. That Zeke would never use his lungs, or see this world with his eyes but God still chose to knit him together to bless Joe and Corinna. Joe and Corinna looked forward to holding their baby and God answered that prayer. He gave him everything a baby has including toe nails! TOE NAILS!!!! Down to every detail God was in it. They longed to hold their tiny babies shell in their arms trusting that at that exact time God was truly holding EZEKIEL in His.
God has been prepping John and I for awhile now but this was a living example laid out for us of FAITH, TRUST, HOPE and GLORY!

March 27th 2011
Ezekiel Craig Phillips passed away with Trisomy 18